Pegawai MDPI memegang gambar spesies ikan di hadapan dengan murid-murid SD. Pegawai MDPI sedang melakukan tebak nama ikan dengan murid-murid sekolah untuk memperluas wawasan perikanan mereka. Di sampingnya, tampak murid perempuan yang mencoba menjawab tebakan yang diberikan pegawai MDPI.

World Fisheries Day 2023: Empowering Fisheries Champions for Responsible Fisheries

by Felicita Laura Annemarie

On November 21st, World Fisheries Day coincided with the National Fisheries Day, and MDPI celebrated this special occasion with coastal communities, fishers, and local government representatives in eight provinces where our project sites are located. This year’s festivities focused on promoting legal and regulated fisheries, encouraging coastal communities to actively participate in sustainable management of fish stocks. Additionally, it provided an opportunity to express gratitude to the courageous fishers who navigate unpredictable seas filled with dangers to ensure our food security.

MDPI orchestrated the celebration across provinces, including Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, North Maluku, and Maluku. The events were designed to initiate discussions, raise awareness and engage communities in activities highlighting responsible fisheries, including cooking contests, quizzes, mangrove planting, and beach clean-up initiatives.

In a collaborative effort, MDPI joined forces with Fisheries Champions, essential individuals we support as catalysts for positive change in their communities, particularly in the fisheries sector.

Seorang nelayan bernama Taufan dari Desa Minaesa, Minahasa Utara, tampak berdiri di depan monitor dalam balai desa yang berisi informasi satwa laut langka dan dilindungi. Taufan menyampaikan informasi dalam monitor kepada rekan-rekan sejawat nelayan lainnya. Di sebelahnya, ada pegawai MDPI yang turut membantu Taufan menjelaskan spesies langka.
Taufan (left), a Fisheries Champion from Minaesa, explains the important roles of endangered, threatened, and protected marine species for the fishery ecosystem.
Building awareness with Fisheries Champion

The participation of Fisheries Champions was instrumental in leading discussions on the benefits of reported and legal fisheries. Emphasizing the importance of recording fishing activities for every fishing trip, these discussions aimed to highlight how their data is critical for informing policy-making. Motivating fishers to comply with responsible fishing practices, including updating logbooks, registering vessels and fish aggregating devices, was a key focus.

The beach clean-up events stood out, alongside discussions on responsible fisheries. Recognizing the negative impact of waste on fish stocks, fish quality, and public health, participants actively contributed to maintaining clean coastlines and oceans, helping ensure abundant fish in coastal waters and providing sustainable livelihoods for communities.

Pegawai MDPI memegang gambar spesies ikan di hadapan dengan murid-murid SD. Pegawai MDPI sedang melakukan tebak nama ikan dengan murid-murid sekolah untuk memperluas wawasan perikanan mereka. Di sampingnya, tampak murid perempuan yang mencoba menjawab tebakan yang diberikan pegawai MDPI.
Educational outreach to students in Wailihang, Buru.

The participation of Fisheries Champions was instrumental in leading discussions on the benefits of reported and legal fisheries. Emphasizing the importance of recording fishing activities for every fishing trip, these discussions aimed to highlight how their data is critical for informing policy-making. Motivating fishers to comply with responsible fishing practices, including updating logbooks, registering vessels and fish aggregating devices, was a key focus.

Beach clean-up to raise awareness on waste management

The beach clean-up events stood out, alongside discussions on responsible fisheries. Recognizing the negative impact of waste on fish stocks, fish quality, and public health, participants actively contributed to maintaining clean coastlines and oceans, helping ensure abundant fish in coastal waters and providing sustainable livelihoods for communities.

Fishers’ wives sorting plastic waste in Ternate.

The recorded accumulation of more than three tons of recyclable waste across various locations underscored the substantial impact of this initiative. With over 1,000 participants engaged in World Fisheries Day activities, the events demonstrated a shared commitment.

Participants expressed their joy in being part of the celebration, “I’m thrilled to be part of the beach clean-up event as it provides a deeper understanding of the danger of ocean waste, especially for our livelihoods,” shared Sahidah, a member of the coastal community in Bone.

The vibrant and educational World Fisheries Day celebration imparts wisdom to all involved. It serves as a reminder of the importance of sustainable fisheries and a moment to express appreciation for the dedicated fishers tirelessly working to safeguard our food security. MDPI hopes the annual World Fisheries Day reignites the spirits of fishers and coastal communities, fostering a shared commitment to preserving sustainable fish stocks.