Since 2020, MDPI through Fisheries Community Organization (FCO) division has discovered new faces of Fisheries Champion in our working sites. Other than providing coaching to the champions, MDPI also facilitate comparative study trip to improve their capacity and let them learn from the experts.
The Champion Capacity Building was held in 15-19 May 2022 in Denpasar and Nusa Penida, Bali. The objective were to combine ideas on sustainable fisheries, to provide champions lesson on specific topics like waste management, solar power generation, cooperative management, and organic agriculture methods that can be made as side job during low fishing season. This event involved 11 champions from East Lombok (4 participants), Bone (4 participants), and North Minahasa (3 participants).
MDPI expected that this whole event can motivate participants to replicate all the subjects they’ve learned in their hometown, like waste management system that is currently ongoing in Tehoru (Maluku), Seruni Mumbul (East Lombok), and Minaesa (North Sulawesi). They were also expected to support their local government to adapt waste management regulation.
We wish to empower more local champions as driver of change and inspire these drivers to generate fresh ideas that can overcome local challenges and sustainability issues.