The Fisheries Co-Management Committee Gorontalo Ramps Up Sustainable Tuna Industry to Tap Global Markets

by M. A. Indira Prameswari

Gorontalo, February 13th, 2025 – The provincial government of Gorontalo has convened NGOs, industry representatives, and academics in an effort to boost the region’s tuna fishing economy. The meeting addressed the sustainable management of the province’s fisheries.

The committee serves as a collaborative platform to address challenges in the fisheries sector, a key driver of Gorontalo’s economic growth. “Our province generates approximately 3.8 billion rupiah from the capture fisheries sector, with 40% of that revenue coming from tuna-family commodities,” said Ir. Sila Nurainsyah Botutihe, head of the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Department Gorontalo. “These high-value commodities are essential for both domestic markets and export opportunities.”

Expanding Access to Global Export Markets

Situated within Indonesia’s Fisheries Management Areas 715 and 716, which encompass the Celebes Sea and Tomini Bay, Gorontalo boasts abundant marine resources. The region’s waters have already been certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for yellowfin tuna, clearing a path for local fishers and industry players to access international markets.

“Our priority is advancing sustainable fisheries improvement programs and securing MSC certification, which is increasingly required by the European and U.S. markets,” said Herman, a representative from the Indonesian Pole & Line and Handline Fisheries Association (AP2HI).

“The global demand is significant, and meeting these standards will be critical for the long-term sustainability of both Gorontalo’s fisheries and economy. If we rise to the challenge, we can ensure economic stability and healthy tuna stocks for the next 10 to 20 years,” he continued.

Industri, OMS, dan Pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalo menyusun strategi rencana aksi untuk memperbaiki kualitas mutu tuna yang menjadi salah satu syarat ekspor.
Fishers, the Secretary of the Gorontalo FCMC, AP2HI, and MDPI are discussing legal permits to access export markets.

Beyond certification, the committee is also working to equip local fishers with the necessary legal compliance to enter the export market. NGOs like MDPI will assist small-scale fishers, while AP2HI will support industrial-level compliance.

“The responsibility of boosting the fisheries sector does not rest solely on the local government,” said Yasmine Simbolon, Director of MDPI. “Government resources are limited, so we must collaborate to manage Gorontalo’s fisheries effectively.”

For Muhammad Saripi of PT Bintang Laut Sejahtera, an industry stakeholder, the challenges of exporting to the United States and European Union markets remain formidable. “The regulatory requirements are tightening, particularly for small-scale fishers and the growing number of fisheries businesses. We hope the local government can help expedite these compliance processes,” he said.

Balancing the Focus Towards Domestic Market

While Gorontalo is setting its sights on international trade, it is also committed to improving the quality and accessibility of locally consumed tuna products. The committee is focusing on enhancing microeconomic opportunities by supporting coastal communities in processing and selling fisheries products.

Photo group of Ta’ Buwa Tanjung Kramat with the Head of the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Department Gorontalo and MDPI. The group is shown showcasing processed tuna products that have been well-received by the local community.

“Fish processing business can provide economic security for fishing families while creating jobs for coastal residents,” said Siti Zulaeha, MDPI Livelihood Officer who works with the Ta’ Buwa Tanjung Kramat fish processing group in Gorontalo City. “We need to build their capacity so that their processed products are not only economically viable but also safe and nutritious for local consumers.”

With the Committee, local leaders hope the province’s fisheries industry will become more adaptable to environmental and economic shifts—ensuring long-term benefits for all stakeholders.