Di awal bulan September, tim MDPI menjalani proses audit Fair Trade (FT) bersama seluruh kelompok nelayan tuna, supplier dan perusahaan yang menjadi bagian dari rantai pasok tuna bersertifkat FT dampingan MDPI. Seperti banyak kegiatan lainnya tahun ini, proses audit FT yang berlangsung tanggal 2-11 September 2020 turut menjadi yang pertama kalinya dilakukan secara virtual. Untuk…
Nelayan merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam sektor kelautan dan perikanan, oleh karena itu peningkatan kesejahteraan nelayan Indonesia harus terus dijadikan prioritas. Banyak tantangan pekerjaan yang dialami oleh para nelayan; mulai dari hasil tangkapan yang tidak pasti jumlahnya karena sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor alam, hingga faktor risiko profesi yang cukup tinggi dan dapat mengancam keselamatan…
Over the last eight years, MDPI has strived to support yellowfin tuna handline fishers in attaining Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification. When we began facilitating data collection in late 2012, as part of Anova Food’s Fishing and Living program, we deeply believed that the communities we work alongside could eventually document and strengthen their compliance…
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact small-scale tuna fishers in Indonesia. From the dramatic price drop of tuna to decreasing demands in Japan and the USA along with other associated factors have made it difficult for fishers to make the daily income required to meet their primary needs. In an attempt to mitigate the spread of…
At the start of her journey with MDPI in January 2015 as Fair Trade Manager, Yasmine Simbolon managed the implementation of Fair Trade Capture Fisheries Standard for small-scale handline tuna fishers in Eastern Indonesia. Jaz is no stranger to fisher groups who work together with MDPI and has since become one of the leaders in…
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