Masyarakat dan Perikanan Indonesia (MDPI) was founded in 2013 with the aim of driving responsible and sustainable fisheries activities for the well-being of fishing communities and fishery resources across Indonesia.

Our motto is “happy people, many fish.” Our organization started with a simple belief that empowered, financially secure fisher communities are key in achieving fishery sustainability. We work with small-scale artisanal fisheries to foster sustainable, equitable, and traceable seafood supply chains. MDPI aims for real and robust long-term results in the communities we engage in.

Our key competencies are:

Fisheries data and governance – We create the mechanisms and data inputs needed for adaptive fisheries management. This includes data creation, stakeholder engagement, and capacity building on EAFM principles.

Community organization – MDPI works to empower, embolden, and strengthen coastal communities’ capacities to actively participate in fisheries management and advocate for community well-being.

Creating enabling conditions – that are key to long-term fisheries sustainability, but are often seen as secondary objectives, such as, technology, traceability, financial literacy, women’s empowerment, and quality and handling practices.

Vision and Mission

Sustainable livelihoods for coastal communities encompassing effective ecosystem and fisheries management in Indonesia.

To empower coastal communities in Indonesia to actively participate in ecosystem and fisheries management, harness market opportunities, to improve the sustainability of their livelihoods.

At MDPI, our core values define who we are and guide what we do. Together, we work towards a future where thriving communities and sustainable fisheries thrive side by side. Join us in this mission of lasting impact and positive change.

Our core values are:

Commitment – Our commitment to our vision, mission, and motto, fuels our efforts to improve the lives of coastal communities in Indonesia. We believe that embodying a strong sense of commitment means being reliable, consistent, and accountable, while empowering others to take action. We are also committed to having a sustainable impact on the communities we engage with.

Empowering – By empowering small-scale fishers and coastal communities, we equip them with the tools and knowledge they need to be resilient and independent, enabling them to advocate for themselves, make their voices heard and participate in meaningful dialogue and decision-making processes. Trust and respect are key as we work together towards sustainable livelihoods.

Driven – People, impact, data, and sustainability drive us forward. Focused on data-driven decision-making and putting communities at the center, our ambition is to create lasting positive change for Indonesian small-scale fishers. We believe that without the engagement and development of communities, sustainability outcomes will not succeed.

Integrity – Our work is guided by integrity, honesty, and ethical principles. We act transparently, accountable for our decisions and their impact on others, prioritizing the dignity and rights of the communities we serve. We believe our integrity can lead to MDPI remaining an organization recognized as reliable and trustworthy by all stakeholders.

Inspiring – We aim to inspire, motivate and empower communities, staff, and partners alike towards a shared vision for sustainable livelihoods and effective fisheries management. Emphasizing optimism, diversity, and inclusivity, we address challenges while driving positive change.

Evolving – We understand that challenges faced by coastal communities evolve, and so must we. Continually adapting, learning from our experiences, and addressing emerging issues, we strive to improve our impact and achieve our long-term goals.

Identity Guidelines

MDPI’s primary logo is a combination of our unique logomark and MDPI’s wordmark, which is the abbreviation of our organization’s name.